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President | Rodi Sferopoulos | president(at)newportcc.com.au |
Vice President | Amy Hall | vicepresident(at)newportcc.com.au |
Secretary | Michelle Stevens | admin(at)newportcc.com.au |
Treasurer | Lauren Schotting | treasurer(at)newportcc.com.au |
Costume Coordinator | Toula Theodorou and Fiona Holzer | costumes(at)newportcc.com.au |
Events Officer | Kahli Maikaew Magee | events(at)newportcc.com.au |
Marketing & Communications Officer | Kim Steer | marketing(at)newportcc.com.au |
Merchandise Officer | Bronwyn Coombs | merchandise(at)newportcc.com.au |
Operations Manager | Sian Barlow | operations(at)newportcc.com.au |
Section Manager | Amanda Lloyd | sectionmanager(at)newportcc.com.au |
General Committee Members | Karly Tonkin and Kirra Boyle |